What should the above goose’s name be? I like him. Especially since he carries a sword. Comment what you think. Maybe I’ll draft a flash fiction piece about him.
I feel that everyone has a different definition of burnout. It makes sense since every human has an atypical life. Since April began, my life has gotten exponentially busier. The only way out, unfortunately, is through. I just worked out my back and shoulders. Cooling down, I decided why not just pound this out.
Getting a new, full-time job has been lovely for my wallet and my social status. I feel more human in the office and with people who I like. Some may say I got lucky, but I’m fortunate to just be able to see a therapist again. Time for me to ‘lock in’ the rest of this year to pay down debts and such.
I’m publishing 4 novels in the coming weeks through
. If you don’t know what the #antiwrimo project is, well, you have a lot to catch up on! In short, 3 novels, written by 3 people each (some in other countries,) are dropping on the same day in June. I oversaw one book’s editorial. This has been happening since October 2023 so we’re all very relieved and excited. Honestly, preorder one (or 3) this weekend. The covers are dope and sourced from a U.K. artist. Indie literature has taken a massive hit with the downfall of SPD, so now’s the time to act!Next Sunday, if you’re a Delawarian, come out to the 1st Odyssey of the Arts. I’ll be tabling with a good friend and selling books and art. No idea how the crowd will be, but I suspect we’ll be the only book publishers there. Oh, and it’s free!
Bring a Blanket reading series keep on truckin’ with our latest reading yesterday at The Wooden Shoe bookstore in South Philly. I’ll be firing up my printer to create its first zine of past features and new friends. If you’re local in mid-June, we will have a big fun time reading & launch party outside! Maybe I’ll give a copy or two away to a few of you lucky subscribers.
I’ve rekindled my enjoyment of Magic: The Gathering, fostering my Monored Deck of Theseus. I hope that if I go to play experienced players, I don’t get annihilated. Awkward. Putting a lot of thought (and like $75) into this! I just love the artwork first and foremost, but the game is fun, too. I wish I knew how to draw and paint better than what I can now. After finding out some of my older cards are ‘illegal’, I decided to enshrine them in a custom shadowbox. I love dragons and fire. So badass.
Thinking about the slumbering Meat Man now…things have been dormant because no news about my book has arrived from my prospective publisher. Starting to think it’s a lost cause now with unanswered texts and emails. That’s not a bad thing, though! I didn’t sign any contract, so I have free reign over this world and my writing. Think I can raise the sails on my own and foster this dastardly world of Meat Depot, LLC. The way I want to. More on this soon, but you should follow it on Instagram.
Anyway, I get to unwind today with 2 cookouts with family. Lots of late-spring driving. Just wanted to drop this and say hello in a candid, unfiltered manner. It’s been a while. Once I get over these speedbumps, I’ll be interacting and writing way more with you and others in my sphere of influence. This summer is filled with many fun things. Like hiking.
Crank those windows down and enjoy the ride.