So there’s a stack of paper right now
with a bunch of weird characters and windings
instead of throwing it away
reuse it and make art
I bet a paper ball will win the moral high ground
of the latest literary discourse
I already possess 4 very unique pieces made in one night
and want to see more of them pop up
in strange and various ways and reasons
a good wheat pasting will do wonders
or tuck it into that one drawer where you keep all the paper
written or unwritten the collection accumulates
gradually and gradually
and I gradually look for a verb to annihilate
the need for an adverb
weigh it down with other items trinkets supplies
until something becomes wedged
and the rails loosen
and the bottom bows
and dirt and dust remain stuck to everything
and then you call it the junk drawer!
this poem can be a junk drawer if you let it
make it nestle in your nostalgia cabinet
never to speak of again and that’s cool
mine’s from my childhood
a local furniture store with thanks to my Dad
a college-dorm-looking pine
and I possess most of the bedroom set
and kept it all in good condition
but you know the next stop is the landfill
and my next choice will be IKEA
do what you want with your drawer
sell the house sell the cabinet sell the junk
buy the house buy the cabinet buy the junk
mix and match the above tasks as desired
this isn’t a life-threatening scenario
people will never interact with you
with sincerity or even at all
they will follow your digital presence
in the shadows of the internet web
you’ve spun in the public eye
and there’s not a technocratic rule on doomscrolling
at least not for now or to our knowledge
that’s one negative thought for this exercise thus far
I hate when Dopesmoker comes on at random times
because I feel obliged to listen to the 1+ hour-long track
to completion but it’s almost 12:30 AM and I’m only 15 minutes in
chat, will I proceeds the weedian?
The thing about it all
is finding the hope
waiting for the ping of the guitar pick
plummeting down the infinite hole
19:04 minutes in dammit alright I get it
I’ll finish all the tasks I set out to complete
between now and another life milestone
trying to end it on a positive chord
c’mon I can do it with all this midnight oil
there’s the metaphor that titillating turn-on
it’s like that quote in which I always fail to remember
using specific SEO-enriched keywords in Google
where the poet claims inspiration is a train and if
they do not catch it then it is on to another person
and thus is not truly a lost idea
I think her name is Dorothy (something)
and I’m not willing to look her up right now
but clearly it’s a great quote since I remember it
and that I’m paraphrasing
nay bastardizing but look here!
I wrote over 1,300 words in a single day
talk about a comeback
I love the word rapscallion because you’d
shit bricks if scallions could rap
I’ll attempt to connect the neurons and so on
c’mon where’s this train
SEPTA trains blare their horns late
and they cascade up the hill like salmon
I am not a writer passenger train but more
like those rocks that move in the dessert
I’d like to have a path even if the path
is nowhere in particular